Welcome to CiBeiYin

Register Q&A

Q1: Only registered member can order products?

Yes. In order to provide your complete service, before ordering products, please register as a member first. The registration process is very simple, as long as you follow the registration step instructions. Also, for simplification, you can register at the same time of making your first order, in the checkout page.

Q2: Are there any cost related to membership?

No. Being a member is completely free.

Q3: How to register to become a member?

You can click "Sign Up" in the top of any page, to go to the registration page. Fill in the information, click the "Submit" button. The website will automatically send an email of confirmation to your email address, to confirm your email as a valid mailbox. Please check the confirmation email and click the "confirm link", the system will automatically bring you into the website's My Account page's dash board, which means registration is successful.

Q4: Why didn't I receive the confirmation email?

The reasons why you do not receive the confirmation email may be as follows:

  1. You have filled in a wrong email, so the delivery is not successful.
  2. Your mailbox quota exceeded, and the email has been rejected.
  3. If you are using emails like gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc. the system might mistakenly put the email in the Spam folder.

You can check with the following methods:

  1. Please confirm if your email address is valid.
  2. Please check if your email quota is used up. If yes, you can delete old emails to free up quota. Then you can login to the website, to enable the site showing the link of sending you another confirmation email.
  3. Please find the email from your spam folder, and mark the email as non-spam.
  4. Whitelist our email address contactservice55@cibeiyin.com in your email account's address book, to enable receiving emails from CiBeiYin in the future.

Q5: Do you have to use email to register for membership?

Yes. Your registered email address is your member account. Our shopping service is based on your email account, which is also the basis of notification for orders, future promotional activities and other related messages. It is recommended that you use your most commonly used email for the account. Please be sure to fill the email correctly, wrong email may lead to failure to login and receiving notifications. Please be careful.

Q6: What if registered member forget password?

If you forget your password, please click the "Forget password" in the login form. Enter e-mail and verification code, then "Send out". The system will send a password reset email to your email box. Please click on the reset link and reset the password. It is recommended that you change your password to a secure password that is easy to remember and keep your new password safe to protect your rights.